Food Network’s Molly Yeh Welcomes Baby No. 2, Daughter Ira Dorothy: ‘We’re So Excited’
The star of Food Network’s Girl Meets Farm and her husband Nick Hagen welcomed their second child, a daughter named Ira Dorothy Yeh Hagen, on Sunday, Feb. 20, a rep for Yeh confirms to PEOPLE exclusively.
Baby Ira arrived at 9:20 a.m., weighing 8 lbs, 12 oz. and measuring 21½ inches at birth.
“She’s here!!! ira dorothy yeh hagen was born on sunday at 9:20am, between two snowstorms (eliminating the need to attempt to drive to the hospital on a tractor Yeh wrote in her announcement on Instagram Tuesday.
“I think she looks just like a tiny bernie and also a tiny grandpa. dorothy is after dorothea, the original matriarch of the farm (nick’s great great grandma), and ira is because our friend jamie suggested it and we loved it!” she continued. “Bernie is taking to her role as big sister beautifully, introducing ira to all of the best things like tickles, magic wands, tutus, and frozen songs. we’re so excited to be a family of four!
Yeh, 32, and Hagen are already parents to daughter Bernie, 2, who has been adorably preparing to be a big sister. “She’s sooo excited!” Yeh told PEOPLE earlier this year, before giving birth. “Every day she pats my belly to say good morning to the baby. She’s gotten great at changing diapers on her dolls, putting them down for naps, and reading books to them, so I’m pretty sure she’s going to want to raise this baby herself!”
“She’s also currently in a major Frozen phase so I think she’s going to lose her mind once she realizes that she has an Anna to her Elsa,” added Yeh.
Before finding out the sex of their second child, the my name is yeh food blogger said she was “totally convinced this new baby would be a boy! I was shocked when the ultrasound revealed it would be a girl, but also very excited knowing that Bernie will have a sister. Sisters rock!”
The couple, who have been married since 2014, wanted to find out the sex in advance of Yeh’s due date this time (Bernie was a surprise), to help them eliminate some name options, she said.
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