September 18, 2024

Joe Bonamassa explained what keyboard warriors often get wrong about his guitar collection.

In an interview with Chuck Shute, Joe Bonamassa spoke about trolls on social media. The guitar legend noted how irritating it is when people make the wrong conclusions about his guitar collection and the posts he makes on social media (transcribed by Ultimate Guitar):

“Every day I post a picture of some stupid guitar, or not stupid, but they’re not good guitars. But a lot of people take it the wrong way. It’s like I’m gloating or bragging about it. I’m just sharing it. It’s become as much of a music site as it has become like an Antiques Roadshow with what I bought today, which is fine.”

“That part I do enjoy. I enjoy the collectible guitar world because a lot of my friends are collectors, too. That part of it is fun. It’s when people come in and try to misquote, and when people come in and think it’s some sort of like name calling. Dude, if you don’t like what I do, just unfollow it and move on.”

“There’s plenty of other people that like it, and what do you think you’re going to do? Change my mind or change my opinion about what I’m doing? It’s like, ‘Oh, well. Guitarlover59 says my last name is Bonermaster. I’m like, ‘Oh, well, shut it down. Lay the employees off. Done. Sorry.’ Because Guitarlover with 16 fucking followers knows better than I do. I’m too old for that shit.”

Bonamassa continued:

“Maybe that is arrogance, okay, but I’ve been around this business a long time, and everyone’s free to start. Grab a guitar, write a song, put it out there, book a gig, step, and repeat. Anybody can do this. It’s just, do you have the balls to get in the game? Then, when people like to throw or shoot arrows, the arrows come at them. That’s what they’re most afraid of.”

“And there’s a certain level of cowardice there, that they hide behind the keyboards, and then when you shoot arrows back, they resort to name-calling. When anybody loses an argument, they get mad and they call you a name. Anytime they’re on the wrong side of an issue, there’s always a name-calling element. Because you run out of IQ points and you can’t defend your position.”


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