On an intensely hot Tuesday evening at Dos Equis Pavilion, The Loserville Tour came to Dallas. It was an eclectic assembly of talent headlined by Limp Bizkit and featuring the eccentric Corey Feldman, BONES with Eddy Baker and N8NOFACE, all hosted by rapper Riff Raff. Beyond the obvious theme of “Loserville,” the sub-theme was “We’re gonna party like it’s 1999.”
Limp Bizkit broke onto the scene in the late ’90s, helping create and define the so-called “nu metal” genre. The band still has original members Fred Durst, bassist Sam Rivers and drummer John Otto. Original guitarist Wes Boreland came and went over the years but is back now, with his trademark face coverings. Limp Bizkit also added DJ Lethal to the lineup in ’99. The name Limp Bizkit was designed to repel listeners and even turn them off to some degree. That idea backfired as the rap-rock crew has received both commercial and critical success along with a pair of Billboard awards and multiple Grammy nominations.
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Elmo Kennedy Conner, more commonly known as Bones, is considered by many to be the pioneer of emo rap as well as trap metal. N8NOFACE is known for scream-rock and outlaw country songs that last for a minute or less with no chorus and abrupt endings.
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