A significant few days have passed for team names. Because my son enjoys playing the pirate video game Sea of Thieves, I think it’s extremely cool that the new NHL franchise in Seattle will be called the Kraken. The Washington Redskins are gone after years of hardship. They need a moniker because they are the Washington Football Team, at least for the time being.
David Hart, a researcher of Frederic Bastiat, offered the term “plunderers” on a Slack channel since it essentially describes Washington, DC’s “industry” and because Bastiat proposed that a great deal of government work is essentially just legal plunder. This all-too-appropriate suggestion made me laugh, and then I thought of the ideal name:
The Washington Candlemakers.
Among Bastiat’s most brilliant and perceptive writings
Naturally, there would be a greater demand for land if more animals were required to produce more tallow. The French fields would become even more fertile as a result of the increased manure supply.
Who is their evil rival, by the way? It’s the sun, which gives our days free illumination. Bastiat exposed the ridiculousness of numerous arguments for regulation, protection, and subsidies (for the stadium the Candlemakers would call home, for example) with this enduring satirical example. The moniker would be an ideal tribute to the ceaseless parade of privilege-seeking applicants clogging Washington’s lobbies, eager to find new ways to embezzle money from rivals, clients, and taxpayers—not to mention the absurd concentration of power.
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