Tennis great Serena Williams said she had a grapefruit-size cyst removed from her neck and she’s on her recovery journey.
Williams revealed in a TikTok video Tuesday that she found a lump on her neck back in May.
“I immediately went to the doc got a MRI and was told I have a brachial cyst,” she wrote in the caption.
Branchial cleft cysts are small sacs filled with fluid that look like lumps under the skin on the side of the neck, according to the Cleveland Clinic. They can appear at any age, though they are most often found in children. Though
Williams, 43, said she was “mortified” by the lump. She said the doctors initially said she didn’t need to get it removed. But it kept growing, and she underwent more testing and a biopsy.
Doctors found the cyst was “still negative,” but this time they advised her to remove it, as “it was the size of a small grapefruit and it could get infected or worse, leak,” she wrote in her caption
In the video, Williams recorded herself showing scarring on her neck as she sat in her hospital bed.
y are typically benign, meaning noncancerous, doctors may recommend surgery to remove them.
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