September 19, 2024

While the world awaits the first musical output from Kerry King in his post-Slayer career, the guitarist revealed to Metal Hammer that while writing for his new solo album, there was something in his songwriting that gave him reason for pause. For instance, one major current world event made him rethink the lyrics he was writing, opting instead to alter his approach for a more broad interpretation..

“I had war entries in my song titles and lyrics,” explained King. “But after I finished those, the Ukraine war broke out, so I made a point to go back to them and take out anything I felt was insensitive to the Ukraine situation.”

He added, “I like to get the idea of the song across without being too close to home.”

In a 2009 interview with Guitar World (as shared by Blabbermouth), King and fellow guitarist Jeff Hanneman were asked about approaching taboo subjects in their music. At the time, Hanneman suggested the only thing he might avoid would be writing about rape, while King offered, “I don’t think there are any areas I wouldn’t explore. I mean, Jesus Christ, Jeff can write about the holocaust, but he can’t write about rape? That’s bizarre.”

So, over time, it appears as though King has given more consideration concerning the subject matter of his lyrical content.

The new interview also served as a bit of an update as King has already targeted 2024 for his musical return. When asked if the new music was an extension of his work in Slayer, he commented, ‘I really have no desire to do anything different. If I wasn’t in Slayer, I would be a Slayer fan. So yes, I think it’s an extension of Slayer, and I think a lot of people will think it might have been the next record. I guess maybe 80 percent of it would have been, maybe it would have been exactly what I’m putting on this one. In my eyes, I think it’s a definite extension, a follow-up to Repentless for sure.”

He described the music of a mix of heavy stuff with “Herculean speeds,” punky stuff and doomy stuff, noting, “Pretty much any aspect of any kind of music we’ve done in our history, I think you’ll find on this record.”

READ MORE: Kerry King Felt ‘Anger’ Over Slayer’s Premature Retirement

In addition, King ruled out guest appearances on his solo debut primarily because he wants to be able to take all his music to the stage without anything holding them back. And he added that he expects that the musicians playing on the record will also be part of his live band.

The Slayer guitarist started teasing his return in early November, with a photo teaser that stated, “Coming in 2024.” Not long after, he was announced as part of the lineup for Welcome to Rockville 2024, which would be his first confirmed solo performance. Stay tuned as more dates and info on his solo debut are expected to come shortly.

Kerry King’s first foray into the world as a solo artist is exactly as one would expect. If you’ve been a fan of the Kerry King written songs on the last few Slayer records, you’re going to find From Hell I Rise rather endearing. King informed fans months ago that the record was essentially going to be a continuation of 2015’s Repentless. He wasn’t wrong. Both in the terms of the lyrical content and the music, this newest record from King leaves very little in the surprise department. Overall it’s a solid record with a lot to really love.

Most of the record is straight ahead thrash, though I was happily surprised with a touch of punk on “Two Fists” and some groove on “Tension.” I also really love many of the solos as King really got the most out of fellow guitarist Phil Demmel. Demmel fits so very well into the lineup here and has a lot of space to do what he’s great at. The chemistry is quite apparent throughout the record.

Death Angel’s Mark Osegueda clearly does his best to channel Tom Araya on the vocals. While this works for many of the songs, it does feel a bit forced in a couple, most notably “Where I Reign.” While the Araya-esque vocal cadence and phrasing fits the music, I wish that Osegueda took the lead singing in a slightly different direction. With that being said, however, Mark really kills it on tracks like “Residue” and “Two Fists.” Of course, many will also be quite happy that Osegueda channels his inner Tom Araya.Slayer's Kerry King Is Coming to Australia

“Shrapnel” has a signature Kerry opening that’s immediately going to remind you of later day Slayer. Drummer Paul Bostaph shines on this track as does Osegueda, who really finds his place here. The familiar sounding solos also fit the track perfectly. Same with “Where I Reign,” which is going to give off early Slayer vibes in the intro. My guess is that this is not coincidental. In this respect, Kerry King stays entirely true to his roots. He doesn’t try and reinvent anything. Clearly, he’s proud of his impressive resume and he’s not afraid to keep going to back to the same well that’s worked for him. So, if you were expecting something other than a record that sounds like Kerry King penned songs, you are going to be extremely disappointed.

“Trophies of the Tyrant” is another stand out track that sounds amazing on my Edifier bookshelf speakers on either side of my desk. I love the clarity of both guitars riffing at the same time. Similar sounds on “Rage” which turns up the velocity just a bit as well. Without any doubt, the production and mixing on this record is top notch. Refreshing. Ironically this record was produced by Josh Wilbur at Hollywood’s Famous Henson Studies. Yes, the same place they recorded “We Are the World.”

The record closes out with the title track. Another rager, King makes a statement with his signature speed and tone. Some wicked solos add texture as Demmel and King trade off. An impressive way to end the record along with the final lyric “I watch religion die. Come watch it with me.” If only, right? While the world is rapidly changing around us, it’s somewhat comforting to see that Kerry King definitely is not.

While it’s definitely not a Slayer record, and From Hell I Rise doesn’t really touch the greatness of the legendary 80’s output, this is about close as we’re likely ever going to get to Slayer and new music.


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